So Durst
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
  Bush's Side Bush Buzz around D.C. [via New York Magazine]

Is Bush banging Condi?

"A pressing issue of dinner-party etiquette is vexing Washington, according to a story now making the D.C. rounds: How should you react when your guest, in this case national-security adviser Condoleezza Rice, makes a poignant faux pas?

At a recent dinner party hosted by New York Times D.C. bureau chief Philip Taubman and his wife,

Rice was reportedly overheard saying, “As I was telling my husb—”

and then stopping herself abruptly, before saying, “As I was telling President Bush.” Jaws dropped, but a guest says the slip by the unmarried politician, who spends weekends with the president and his wife, seemed more psychologically telling than incriminating.

A National Security Council spokesman laughed and said, “No comment.”

Which in NSC-speak means "yes, they are banging".

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