So Durst
Monday, April 05, 2004
  You're Really Growing On Me Even the NYT is writing about the Darkness. For a band who has a tremendous record to promote, as well as, an image that un-ironic dirtbags around the US are stoked is back in style, when will they release the next single?

Singer Justin Hawkins [pictured] is a metal Noel Gallagher.

If it's "Growing On Me", it will put them over edge by an edge.

I like in the article how K-Rock Music Director Mike Peer takes credit for playing them first in the US. Tough thing to do with them having a #1 hit in the UK [which has A&R'ed the US scene for the past 2 years a la the Strokes, White Stripes, etc] and not to mention Atlantic Records jamming money in their pockets to play the damn song. Such courage!

Check out the band website: The

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